13 Answers. In the "Middle" South states, there was a unionist majority divided between Douglas and Bell in Virginia and Tennessee; in North Carolina and Arkansas, the unionist (Bell and Douglas) vote approached a majority. [32], Lincoln's strategy was deliberately focused, in collaboration with Republican Party Chairman Thurlow Weed, on expanding on the states Frémont won four years earlier: New York was critical with 35 Electoral College votes, 11.5 percent of the total, and with Pennsylvania (27) and Ohio (23) as well, a candidate could collect 85 votes, whereas 152 were required to win. where he received 1,929 votes (1.15 percent of the total). On the 57th ballot, with Douglas was still ahead, but 51½ votes short of the nomination, the exhausted and desparate delegates agreed on May 3 to cease voting and adjourn the convention. A: Abraham Lincoln’s victory in November 1860 as the Republican candidate for the White House forever changed the relationship between the American government and the institution of slavery. Some key differences between modern elections and the those of the mid-nineteenth century are that at the time, not only was there was no secret ballot anywhere in the United States, but the state did not print and distribute ballots. Who did Abe Lincoln run against in 1860? Eventually, the state party worked out an agreement: if either candidate could win the national election with Pennsylvania's electoral vote, then all her electoral votes would go to that candidate. It was held on November 6, 1860. 1 decade ago. In ten southern slave states, no citizen would publicly pledge to vote for Abraham Lincoln, so citizens there had no legal means to vote for the Republican nominee. The building had been the First Presbyterian Meeting House (Two Towers Church) on Fayette Street, between Calvert and North Street, demolished before 1866 and occupied by the United States Courthouse. The keys to Lincoln’s victory in 1860 were his victories in Pennsylvania, Indiana, and Illinois, all part of the Ohio Valley region. Not all of the Douglas supporters agreed to the Reading slate deal and established a separate Douglas only ticket. Lincoln’s administration, divested of Legislative power, cannot injure the South, if so disposed." Relevance. Three ‘Outs’ and One ‘Run’ Progressive…Read more › [29][30], Since Andrew Jackson had won re-election in 1832, all six subsequent presidents had only won one-term, while the last four of those had won with a popular vote under 51 percent.[31]. Nevertheless, he finished a remarkable second in all slave states won by Breckinridge or Douglas. North Carolina held a referendum on having a secession convention, which failed. Trying to transcend the sectional divide was the Constitutional Union Party, which was formed in 1859 by former Whigs and members of the Know-Nothing Party. Following on the heels of the Dred Scott decision of 1857, in which the U.S. Supreme Court voided the Missouri Compromise (1820), thus making slavery legal in all U.S. territories, the election of 1860 was sure to further expose sectional differences between those, especially (but not solely) in the North, who wanted to abolish slavery and those who sought to protect the institution. The incumbent president, James Buchanan, like his predecessor, Franklin Pierce, was a Northern Democrat with sympathies for the South. John McCain. He engineered that the convention would happen in Chicago, which would be inherently friendly to the Illinois based Lincoln. Bell, who won 12.6 percent of the vote, secured 39 electoral votes by winning Kentucky, Tennessee, and Virginia. Houston's supporters at the gathering did not nominate a vice-presidential candidate, since they expected later gatherings to carry out that function. This was often referred to as the Reading electoral slate, because it was in that city that the state party chose it. Unlike every preceding president-elect, Lincoln did not carry even one slave state. [9][10], Senator Robert M. T. Hunter from Virginia, Former Senator Daniel S. Dickinson from New York. Several other states also considered declaring secession at the time: All of the secessionist activity was motivated by fear for the institution of slavery in the South. United States presidential election of 1860. Bell carried three slave states (Tennessee, Kentucky, and Virginia) and lost Maryland by only 722 votes. Source (Popular Vote): .mw-parser-output cite.citation{font-style:inherit}.mw-parser-output .citation q{quotes:"\"""\"""'""'"}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-free a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-free a{background:linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/65/Lock-green.svg")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .id-lock-registration a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-registration a{background:linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d6/Lock-gray-alt-2.svg")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-subscription a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-subscription a{background:linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/aa/Lock-red-alt-2.svg")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-subscription,.mw-parser-output .cs1-registration{color:#555}.mw-parser-output .cs1-subscription span,.mw-parser-output .cs1-registration span{border-bottom:1px dotted;cursor:help}.mw-parser-output .cs1-ws-icon a{background:linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4c/Wikisource-logo.svg")right 0.1em center/12px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output code.cs1-code{color:inherit;background:inherit;border:none;padding:inherit}.mw-parser-output .cs1-hidden-error{display:none;font-size:100%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-visible-error{font-size:100%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-maint{display:none;color:#33aa33;margin-left:0.3em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-format{font-size:95%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-left,.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-wl-left{padding-left:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-right,.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-wl-right{padding-right:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .citation .mw-selflink{font-weight:inherit}Leip, David. There was no mention of Mormonism (which had been condemned in the Party's 1856 platform), the Fugitive Slave Act, personal liberty laws, or the Dred Scott decision. However, historian Bruce Chadwick observes that Lincoln and his advisors ignored the widespread alarms and threats of secession as mere election trickery. Campaign poster for the Constitutional Union Party, with John Bell (left) and Edward Everett, 1860. Map of presidential election results by county, Map of Republican presidential election results by county, Map of Northern Democratic presidential election results by county, Map of Southern Democratic presidential election results by county, Map of Constitutional Union presidential election results by county, Map of "Fusion" slate presidential election results by county, Cartogram of presidential election results by county, Cartogram of Republican presidential election results by county, Cartogram of Northern Democratic presidential election results by county, Cartogram of Southern Democratic presidential election results by county, Cartogram of Constitutional Union presidential election results by county, Cartogram of "Fusion" slate presidential election results by county. [nb 2] The four states that were admitted to the Confederacy after Fort Sumter held almost half its population, and voted a narrow combined majority of 53 percent for the pro-union candidates. Additionally, the slate was almost equally divided between the supporters of Breckinridge and Douglas. There were no ballots distributed for Lincoln in ten of the Southern states: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas. Hamlin was surprised by his nomination, saying he was "astonished" and that he "neither expected nor desired it. Abraham Lincoln President-elect Lincoln Receiving Visitors in the State House Hugh McCullough Map of the 1860 Presidential Election The Great Exhibition of 1860 The Coming Man’s Presidential Career a la Blondin The National Game. Speeches, Address, Resolutions, Music, Fireworks, Guns, and Fun", "Letter from Sam Houston Withdrawing from the Canvass", "1860 Election Returns in Virginia, by County", "Voter Turnout in Presidential Elections: 1828–2008", "Table 397. Douglas said he believed a new state could prohibit enslavement. Lincoln's simple question caught Douglas in a dilemma. That two candidates were from Illinois showed the importance of the West in the election.[3]. Seward had been governor and senator of New York, was from firm Whig backgrounds, and was a very able politician. The electoral split between Northern and Southern Democrats was emblematic of the severe sectional split, particularly over slavery, and in the months following Lincoln’s election (and before his inauguration in March 1861) seven Southern states, led by South Carolina on December 20, 1860, seceded, setting the stage for the American Civil War (1861–65). Abraham Lincoln, photograph by Mathew Brady. [19], The People's Party was a loose association of the supporters of Governor Samuel Houston. Northern Democrat Stephen A. Douglas took nearly 30 percent of the vote but won only Missouri’s 12 electoral votes. "Lincoln for President: an unlikely candidate, an audacious strategy, and the victory no one saw coming" (2009) Ch. Sen. John Bell of Tennessee was the candidate of the new Constitutional Union Party, the political home for former Whigs and other moderates who rallied to support the Union and the Constitution without regard to slavery. [26] In the 1856 election, the Republican candidate for president had received no votes at all in twelve of the fourteen slave states with a popular vote (these being the same states as in the 1860 election, plus Missouri and Virginia). Douglas, in his "Norfolk Doctrine", reiterated in North Carolina, promised to keep the Union together by coercion if states proceeded to secede: the popular vote for Lincoln and Douglas combined was 69.17% of the turnout. [3], The first round of voting predictably produced a lead for Seward, but not a majority, with Lincoln in second place. So it did at the Illinois state convention, a week before the national convention. May 18, 1860 Republican Convention is held in Chicago, Illinois. Since this was decided before the party split, both Douglas supporters and Breckinridge supporters claimed the right for their man to be considered the party candidate and the support of the electoral slate. [28], Lincoln received no votes at all in 121 of the state's then-145 counties (including 31 of the 50 that would form West Virginia), received a single vote in three counties and received ten or fewer votes in nine of the 24 counties where he polled votes. Omissions? Edward Everett was nominated for vice-president at the convention on May 9, 1860, one week before Lincoln. The convention remained deadlocked however, and skillful political maneuvering by Lincoln's delegate wranglers convinced the delegates to abandon Seward in favor of Lincoln. Besides the Democratic Parties in the Southern states, the Breckinridge/Lane ticket was also supported by the Buchanan administration. At Baltimore the Democrats nominated Douglas, who easily defeated Kentuckian John C. Breckinridge, the sitting vice president of the United States. Heidler, p. 157. Former Senator Edward Everett from Massachusetts, Former Senator William A. Graham from North Carolina, Former Senator William C. Rives from Virginia, The Constitutional Union Party was formed by remnants of both the defunct Know Nothing and Whig Parties who were unwilling to join either the Republicans or the Democrats. The Democratic Party split in two. Nonetheless, different electors appeared in some counties for Breckinridge and Bell, resulting in lower totals for them and a split electoral outcome. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Photo of Abraham Lincoln taken in NYC in February of 1860 . Within the fifteen slave states, Lincoln won only two counties out of 996, Missouri's St. Louis and Gasconade Counties. Economically, culturally, and politically, the South was made up of three regions. [11][15], John Bell was a former Whig who had opposed the Kansas–Nebraska Act and the Lecompton Constitution. The first 1860 Democratic National Convention adjourned in Charleston, South Carolina, without agreeing on a nominee, but a second convention in Baltimore, Maryland, nominated Senator Stephen A. Douglas of Illinois for president. Lincoln's election served as the primary catalyst of the American Civil War. [17][18] A convention of one hundred delegates was held in Convention Hall, Syracuse, New York, on August 29, 1860. Douglas attained a 28 to 47% share in the states of the Mid-Atlantic, Midwest, and Trans-Mississippi West, but slipped to 19 to 39% in New England. Southern Democrat John C. Breckinridge garnered 18 percent of the vote and 72 electoral votes, winning most Southern states plus Delaware and Maryland. The 1860 United States presidential election was the 19th quadrennial presidential election. Election poster, campaign of Abraham Lincoln and Hannibal Hamlin, 1860, lithograph. He finished second in the Electoral College with 72 votes, carrying eleven of fifteen slave states (including South Carolina, whose electors were chosen by the state legislature, not popular vote). ... 1832: Ran for state legislature – lost. [citation needed], Indeed, voting in the South was not as monolithic as the Electoral College map would make it seem. [3], The conservative Bates was an unlikely candidate, but found support from Horace Greely, who sought any chance to defeat Seward, whom he now had a bitter feud with. Who ran against Lincoln in 1864? (The noted secessionist William Lowndes Yancey, speaking at New York's Cooper Institute in October 1860, asserted that with abolitionists in power, "Emissaries will percolate between master [and] slave as water between the crevices of rocks underground. When the convention seated two replacement delegations on June 18, they walked out again or boycotted the convention, accompanied by nearly all other Southern delegates and erstwhile Convention chair Caleb Cushing, a New Englander and former member of Franklin Pierce's cabinet. Stephan A. Douglas, "The little giant" , was the incumbent senator from Illinois who defeated Republican Lincoln in 1858. John C. Breckinridge of Kentucky was the candidate of the Southern Democrats, whose campaign was based on the demand for federal legislation and intervention to protect slaveholding. McClellan was the "peace candidate" but did not personally believe in his party's platform. ... What if Fred Durst ran for President Of The United States Of America? Lincoln's best results, by far, were in the four counties that comprised the state's northern panhandle, a region which had long felt alienated from Richmond, was economically and culturally linked to its neighbors Ohio and Pennsylvania and would become the key driver in the successful effort to form a separate state. He also made sure that the Illinois delegation would vote as a bloc for him. Anonymous. Texas, with five percent of the total wartime South's population, voted 75 percent Breckinridge. On this day in 1860, Abraham Lincoln became the first Republican to win the presidency, defeating a divided Democratic Party. Thus 12 electoral candidates appeared on 2 tickets, Reading and Straight Douglas. 10, Dubin, Michael J., United States Presidential Elections, 1788–1860: The Official Results by County and State, McFarland & Company, 2002, p. 187, Dubin, Michael J., United States Presidential Elections, 1788–1860: The Official Results by County and State, McFarland & Company, 2002, p. 188, United States presidential election, 1860, primary catalyst of the American Civil War, each territory to decide itself on the status of slavery, Learn how and when to remove this template message, 1848 presidential nominee of the original Liberty Party, National Archives and Records Administration, 1860 and 1861 United States House of Representatives elections, 1860 and 1861 United States Senate elections, American election campaigns in the 19th century, History of the United States Democratic Party, History of the United States Republican Party, "Voter Turnout in Presidential Elections", "Abraham Lincoln: Campaigns and Elections" (Miller Center, 2019), "Proceedings of the Republican national convention held at Chicago, May 16, 17 and 18, 1860 : Republican National Convention (2nd : 1860 : Chicago, Ill.) : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive", http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/11/10/how-and-where-lincoln-won/, Getting the Message Out! What percent of US Citizenry voted by mail in 2016? 4 5. wichitaor1. "Sectionalism and the Secession Crisis," in John B. Boles, ed., Grinspan, Jon, "'Young Men for War': The Wide Awakes and Lincoln's 1860 Presidential Campaign,". There was quite a spirited contest between the friends of Gerrit Smith and William Goodell in regard to the nomination for the presidency. [nb 6] Moreover, Lincoln's share of the popular vote would have been even less if there had been a popular vote in South Carolina. He also ran for president against Lincoln in 1860. This ticket was usually referred to as the Straight Douglas ticket. Nearly all "conditional Unionists" joined the secessionists. The remaining party was also called the Radical Abolitionists. Also running were John C. Frémont, William L. Dayton, Cassius M. Clay, and Benjamin Wade, who might be able to win if the convention deadlocked. Later mass meetings were held in northern cities, such as New York City on May 30, 1860, but they too failed to nominate a vice-presidential candidate. Houston, never enthusiastic about running for the Presidency, soon became convinced that he had no chance of winning and that his candidacy would only make it easier for the Republican candidate to win. Entering the convention, Sen. William H. Seward of New York was considered the favourite for the nomination, and on the first ballot he led Abraham Lincoln, who had been defeated in Illinois in 1858 for the U.S. Senate by Douglas, as well as a host of other candidates. Resulting in lower totals for them and a sweep of the generally antislavery Republican Party excludes South Carolina where electors... 1791, Southerners had comprised a majority of the vote in Pennsylvania and... Illinois are the leading contenders from a field of 12 candidates, Lincoln did not even! Flag banner promoting Abraham Lincoln jefferson davis John C. 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