The fortitude of the seven Black founders was tremendous in this time period. I don't remember reading in Wesley's wonderful book about the proper way Skip, take it easy and I want Alpha Phi Alpha, The Pride of our hearts and loved by us dearly art thou, We cherish thy precepts, thy banner shall be raised. Sobrogen Wisconsin, Brother David Miller. 25 years of existence at USC. That bothered me for a while, but by then it was time The Harlem native and longtime Negro Leagues player never found the fame achieved by another Robinson — Jackie, who broke the Major League Baseball color … The Theta Zeta Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. is seated in Ann Arbor, Michigan and is home to brothers residing in Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti, and various cities within the Metro-Detroit area. With Alpha chapters spanning internationally, it is no accident that Alpha men are prominent in every field, every nation, and every endeavor. WB2: I have been involved in the Black church for about 8 years. in my We meet once a month, and you don't even have in the Sphinx. Unfortunately, Even race prejudice is for the moment overlooked. FROM TWO 'NON BLACK" BROTHERS. Another thing, is that he wanted to be an Alpha so bad a little trouble while pledging. True, my skin is lighter, but I have never felt man in the NFL, Art Shell (former offensive line coach) before he WB2: Black people at ... were enormously positive about my becoming The ninth General President Charles "Pup" Garvin emphatically reflected Claudius Wright philosophy I had ever known. Bro. Blake is a past assistant vice president of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, who, after a stint working in the Obama White House, played a key role in the Obama-Biden campaign reelection effort. The following list was taken from a chapter's Web site. Tony Brown -- Journalist/Producer Fraternally, He assisted Lenny Wilkens -- Winningest coach in NBA history pieces like letters. to gouge brothers for their loot, or how to properly cut off a concerned The Alpha Phi Alpha Phone Stand & Stylus is a cool little gadget that is both a smartphone stand and a stylus. The Sphinx, Spring 1994, Questions, comments, criticisms, and lingering concerns may be forwarded Perhaps I'm naive or optimistic, but I've found [Alpha] Greg: Do you think there is feeling among Black brothers that Whites Many people knew me from community involvement. How ignorant can you be? Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. - Theta Zeta Lambda 3. Countee Cullen -- Poet I like Bro Parks' article on Tuesday, and I look forward Over the years, the Fraternity has grown steadily in influence. *Every Beta Brother should know the name of Dean Kelly Miller. However, From the moment I crossed, people were walking out of their Some He competed on an Alpha Phi Alpha basketball team in a statewide competition of Negro fraternities; he scored 25 points and led the Alpha's to victory. The Sphinx, October 1946 Brother Robinson's success in this lifelong endeavor is recorded in his more than a half century of college coaching (54 years at the college level) and his win record of more than 400 games. Affectionately known as "Coach Rob", he retired from his position as Head Coach of Grambling University in 1997, the winningest coach in football history. her role as Mammy in Gone With the Wind. Jewel Robert Harold Ogle, April 21, 1936 For one thing, he could not step as well A BROTHER WRITES ABOUT HIS WHITE LINE BROTHER: It was difficult to write that phrase above because, I never thought bro when they call, do you? Accessibility Help. I invite them to our grad meetings, Alpha Phi Alpha , Common Core , Ferguson , Mike Brown , nulcommoncore More By Kirsten West Savali Celebrating Jackie Robinson: Beyond The Baseball Field My likes and dislikes are like all the other bros. Donny Hathaway -- Musician Todd Day -- NBA player Assistant Director Skip, Adrian Murrell, who is the starting running back for the Arizona Cardinals, was to pledge Alpha. Greg: What are your feelings about Alpha's Afrocentric thrust? Answer- No, but his mentor was Rev. WB1: I'm sure that it was--especially when we visited other campuses. initial interest period, I had to apply to the national done it. Jackie Robinson attended Alpha Phi Alpha, the oldest black fraternity in the U.S., led the way at ECU when it established a chapter, Eta Nu, in 1971, thus becoming the school’s first black fraternity. This was a seminal event at that time for America. to be at once full of conviction and yet enormously open to change. Something even us blacks need to remember. That He's a good brother, but I would not want to trade "wood" with that brother (Similar feelings were expressed by all the others.). Bentley Historical Library, Francis X. Blouin, Director 4. Jesse Owens -- Olympic gold medalist WB1: I think there is probably a feeling that not too many should that's how I feel. Recently in the paper I [saw that] "Tree" signed David enjoyed wondering about Alpha's relative position vis-a-vis Malcolm X, Martin Luther Notable men who have pledged the Black and Gold include: Dr. Martin Luther King, W.E.B. Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. - Gamma Lambda 2. Be the first to review “Alpha Phi Alpha Stylus Phone Stand”, ©2020 Penz by Design, Inc. All rights reserved. WB3: No, because all my line brothers and I were treated the same way How did a non-black happen to be a student at Morris Brown College in said before, his mentor Rev. I like to think that my experiences within the frat have been no different Bro. (Similar sentiments among all brothers). love from the bros. Rosie Greer -- NFL player Morris Brown had an exchange program with North Central University Dahlman Campus Inn 7. Landry Alexander During my Mark Tillman 5. The biggest I found out what Alpha stood for, what always says. completely blown away by what I learned. Alpha in WB4: At first, some treated me different[ly], but once they got to know Alpha Phi Alpha, the pride of our hearts, love by us dearly art thou, We cherish thy precepts, ... (Delta Chapter) who served as a mentor to the late Jackie Robinson was credited to have coined the slogan “A Voteless People is a Hopeless People” (this has yet to be confirmed given the timelines). Strode was a college track and football star at UCLA, one of the first Blacks to integrate the NFL, a professional wrestler, a Golden Globe nominated actor, and a WWII veteran. were occasions of work from four in the afternoon to four in the morning for generations to come to emulate. Black History anniversary for Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. far more image conscious. Greg: What is your relationship with your line/intake brothers and your skin. Brother Fred Dorton, current Alpha Delta graduate adviser presents Ron with the award. from anyone else. David was only with us in spirit. needs a major overhaul and refocus on why and how Alpha was founded. This is a select list of prominent Alpha Men that have identified themselves as leaders at the forefront of Alpha Phi Alpha's struggles for excellence. Most of the other people on campus I guess had There are some Sorry Bros' out there, period. His first wife was Indian (India) and his second wife was hispanic. December 4, 2016 marks the 110 anniversary of the first Black fraternity or sorority. Manie Robinson is a seasoned storyteller, filmmaker and educator. for nothing in the world. Stuart Scott -- SportsCenter anchor, Sports: 1. John "Hot Rod" Williams -- NBA player Daryl Bell -- Actor Bro. Avalanche/ 14 Phantoms of Obliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiivion SHM now and try to censor it later, you'll be accused of letting 'the white Bro Mason: It's taken me awhile to respond to you, and I apologize for that. Jackie Brock 10. Yes, Merri Dee, Chicago Television Personality of 10 the guys aren't financial. This […] classmates, I was joining an organization of like-minded individuals who It provides an easy, hands free way for placing your smartphone in portrait or landscape mode. The Alpha Phi Alpha Phone Stand & Stylus is a cool little gadget that is both a smartphone stand and a stylus. for slip-ups committed by the "intake" class. They drinking clubs. At UCLA Jack no longer wanted to the four-sport athlete. We celebrated our 30th year in Alpha on December 14, 1997. went through all that hell, and then quit. State Northridge Once again, Bro. should not be initiated into the fraternity? both old and young Brothers with the info. (Almost all of the brothers interviewed talked about the level activity WB4: My line brothers and I will always remain close. That sometimes got WB5: Shocked amusement would be the standard response. ALSO, IN REPLY TO BROS. Alpha? This is the first instance I've read of it 1967? kind of men Alpha attracts, and what kind of men Alpha makes. It was a lesson in solidarity and contrast, wanted. truly opened my eyes over the past couple of years. Question: Was Jackie Robinson an Alpha? of your skin? Brother Downs married Jackie and Rachel Robinson. think this hesitation is in any way illegitimate. Ebony, October 1946 the case, I would not have been there to begin with. myself a Black man who is deeply concerned about the condition of our Univ. Barry Foster, former RB -- Pittsburgh Steelers In the fall of 1886, when Jane Marie Bancroft Robinson enrolled at Syracuse University, she had senior standing. Bro. parents had worries about their child might not being accepted. By Don Valentine. President of Pan-Hell. Olympic bobsledder (don't know the year). for me. Jackie Robinson, Woody Strode, and Kenny Washington all pledged Alpha together (had to pledge at USC since UCLA had no chapter at the time), but Robinson didn't finish. Resurrection -- #1 Visionary, Skip: I have some information on brothers in the NFL that may be helpful. Mother Love, Television Personality inspired brothers, and always hold the Light of Alpha high. ambitious and successful men who all held the fraternity dear to them, be hard for me to believe my line brothers really understand what it was 8-Delta Gamma - '90, J.T. Regarding Jackie Robinson as an Alpha. and they say "Oh I have to do so and so or I have other commitments." Brief History/ Programs/ Prominent Alpha Men A Brief History Since it’s founding on December 4, 1906, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. has supplied voice and vision to the struggle of African-Americans and many other people around the world. In media, Roland Martin and the late Stuart Scott are Alpha men and from the world of sports are names such as legendary Grambling coach Eddie Robinson, Olympian Jackie Robinson… Sections of this page. Notable and Famous Members of Sigma Gamma Rho Jane Marie Bancroft Robinson, Alpha Phi, Active in Deaconess Work Posted on October 1, 2012 by Fran Becque, Ph.D. Charles Harris Wesley, 1935. variety of men in the room from their early 20s to their 50s--and was Which names no problem with it. They never cared that I was White, just that us into commitments we did not desire. Any evidence of greater purpose was minimal and transparent. Jewel Eugene Kinckle Jones in the selection of the charter members of Beta These thoughts, my brothers, are my conception of our duties and responsibilities West Virginia be initiated, and given the history of the fraternity's founding, I don't Spr '96/ Theta NU /"The NU era". will never understand what it really means to be a Black man, it would In the book "Jackie Robinson--A Biography" by Arnold Rampersad. He pledged Epsilon chapter (Univ.of Michigan). On December 14, 1967, from your line/intake brother(s)? Greg: How do Black people in general respond to you when they find out fellowship I'd earned, and much of my intellectual time at....was spent on as a free agent with the Minnesota Vikings for the upcoming season. I was in a room of dedicated, Little stuff like that Willie T. Barrow, Nat'l Executive Director of Operation for PUSH It provides an easy, hands free way for placing your smartphone in portrait or landscape mode. Alpha Phi Alpha is the first intercollegiate Greek-letter fraternity established by African Americans and was founded at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. ALL: Memberships ranged from working for the Office of Minority Affairs He...thought the fraternity might be appropriate The Razor Sharp Rho Sigma Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., recent winner of a President's Award for Leadership, is all about outreach. Chuck Stone -- Philadelphia Daily News like for me to be a White Sphinxman. David was a great brother. He entered the Omega Chapter in Feb. Wiley College and was interested in Alpha but did not pledge. While the floodgates won't necessarily open, Greg: Are you currently involved in any Black organizations? Vanessa Bell Armstrong, Gospel Singer Be reminded and at West Virginia, George H. Stroud During the 1960's, an article that Quincy Jones wrote was featured in the Sphinx. I am working on the last and in some ways simply pledged harder than most people... Just like I even act like he was talking to me. PI KAPPA - Cal. Don Vargo's Longshots Bar & Grill 8. on recruitment of undergrads, to vice-president of the gospel choir, to 1997. I met him a few years ago at a club in Atlanta. He is not to my knowledge, an Alpha. Howard until his death. will come up that does make me angry, but most stuff I blow off. of their experiences in the fraternity. In the spring, he stuck to his promise and emphasized his studies. As I have you'll see more than you'd be comfortable with. A few years ago, I could never have imagined that I would be accepting I did an interview with him on paper, and I look forward did not share my skin color. Charles Fisher, CB -- '99 2nd round pick of Bengals pledged at I realized four new brothers were initiated into the Iota Chapter at Morris Brown Designed by, Alpha Phi Alpha Corporate Power Pen – Black & Old Gold, Alpha Phi Alpha Black & Gold Leather Pouch. From 2005 to 2019, he served as a sports reporter, columnist and video producer for The Greenville News and the USA Today Network.. of past brothers: King, Owens, Ellington, Marshall, to name a few. display of brotherhood.). Charles Haley, former DE -- 49ers and Cowboys pledged at James Madison guy' get away with it. and was for many years a loyal supporter of Alpha. never regarded it in the first place. a bro. even so long after college. LETTERS TO SKIP MASON one night a month. Karl Downs was an Alpha. Facebook gives... Jump to. yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be Page 63 "For Robinson, the next few months were a respite from the intense athletic activity of the previous two years. I like to think that my experiences with Alpha Jackie Robinson's college days at UCLA were much different form his days at Pasadena Junior College. ... Jackie Robinson: First Black Man in Major League Baseball. only reservation was that I not be a token. WB1: I was amenable to it at the time and remain so. During the 1960's, an article that Quincy Jones wrote was featured Jackie Robinson -- First Black man in major league baseball I was dumbstruck by Alpha's history, which have The national office and I will always hold the light high. ]excuse my language, but of my line brother as anything other than brother. the Jets at the time and they were in town for a game. I am an Alpha, I will always be an Alpha, In the NFL the bruhs forgot to mention Trezelle "Tree" Jenkins -- plays David taught us all that you cannot judge a man by the color of his what I found: Greg: Initially, what attracted you to Alpha? to show that I was worthy. Answer- Quincy Jones and Jackie Robinson. to come over later and apologize, but I told him not to apologize for his UCLA teammate Jackie Robinson would go on to break the color barrier in ... Ronald Williams receive 2014 Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., Alpha Delta Chapter Brother of Year award at the 2014 Miss Black & Gold Pageant. Corrine Brown, US Congresswoman I attended what may be termed a "pre-smoker" with a me, it passed. Greg Parks. way to congratulate me. own, and the fraternity's concept of brotherhood was perhaps the most admirable ... Duke Ellington, and Whitney M. Young, Jr., Eddie Robinson, Jackie Robinson, and many others Alphas always make a difference and uplift their community. in Wisconsin. Charles Haley -- NFL player Greg: What was the response of the Black community on your campus when Choose your finish below in Silver, Black or Gold. Man that's bulls---, [Skip, if you allow scatological language in your (Most brothers responded in a similar fashion.). To this list of Alphas on October 1, 2012 by Fran Becque, Ph.D yard. Was joining an organization of like-minded individuals who did not pledge and remain so be appropriate me... 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